貧乏留学日記 in Australia


411 days 目的の再確認

もうマッサージんなんてやりたくない!!! と最近、いやここ2,3か月思ってた。 体疲れるし、お客さんからコンプレイン言われるし、とにかくスランプだった。 だから、学校を卒業したら日本に帰って、 マッサージとは違う仕事をしようと思ってた。 でも最…

357 days

気づけばオーストラリアに来て一年になりますなぁ。。 最近は風邪をひいて学校を休んでリフレッシュ。 やっと勉強をする気になってきた。 何のためにオーストラリアに来たのかって、 勉強する為に来たのさ!! ここ数か月当初の目的を見失っていたが、 だん…

332 days I likely to hate doing massage......

気づけば6月下旬。。。 日本は夏を迎えますね。 ここ最近、マッサージの勉強を始めて半年になりますが、 マッサージをすることが嫌いになりつつあります。。 学校で習うこととバイト先で行うマッサージのギャップで、 私のやっていることは何??と自問自答…

308 days 怒涛の数週間

ここ数週間は、海外で暮らすことがどれだけ大変なことなのか 身をもって実感しました。 ハウスオーナーとのトラブルです。 よくネットなどでよくあるとのことでしたが、 まさかこの私が本当に直面するとは思ってもいませんでした。 おかしなオーナーに気づか…

278 days hello REIWA

Hello 令和!!! 日本は大型連休真っただ中、 日本で勤めているときは10連休なんぞなかったので うらやましい限り! 気づけばオーストラリアに来て9か月、 先週は日本へ一時帰国しました。 学校を卒業するまでは日本に帰るまい!! とこっちに来ましたが、…

226 days

I've been busy lately.I couldn't write the diary in English and study English because I had to complete my assessment..The assessment deadline is coming soon...I was managed to complete except for only one. I'll focus on to memorize a lot …

218 days Do you wear slippers at home?

How's it going?? today's topic is Do you wear slippers at home? Answer is YES!In japan, we take of our shoes when we get home.It's common way like traditional. I can't imagine not to take off the shoes but some countries do that such as US…

215 days What is My favorite Item?

It's getting cold on Gold Coast.It's raining on and off today So I'm putting on long pants.If I go out sunny place, I feel better.On the other hand, If I go out shade, I feel more cold.Even though I hoped to get colder, I wouldn't get used…

214 days

I'm watching Bilingirl chika san on Youtube for my Eniglish skill.She shows us about daily life of her So I can learn basic English through that channel. Sometimes I'm taking down some phrase on my English notebooks to remenber and to use …

211 days

I'm working at the massage shop today.The customer wouldn't satisfy my treat because my massage skills isn't enough.I'm thinking about that everyday.That's why I need to improve my massage skills and pracice more. If the customer who is bi…

198 days English ver

It has past about 2 weeks since when I entered the massage school. I'm taking a lecture of anatomy and physiology but I could hardly understand what the teachers were saying because my listening skills is not enough yet.I have no choice on…

198 days

今日は日本語で。(後日英語で頑張って書きます!) マッサージ学校に入学して2週間くらい経つのかな。。。 解剖学、生物学の授業が専門用語ばかりで、 先生が何を話しているのかさっぱり状態です。 英語のテキストを見返して、 勉強する他方法がありません…

192 days

I need to read the text books about massage.It's hard to read completely because everything's English but I never give up. My landloder prepared the BBQ for us in denner time.It was very delicious everyfoods which was made from my landlode…

190 days

I went at the airport to say goodbye to my friend who went to the same language school today.I couldn't feel that she was gone to japan...we will be able to meet again in japan. By the way, I bought a printer to copy the texts which need o…

186 days

I'm beginning to answer of questions to improve my English skills.I've found a list of conversation using English on website.I'll do practice everyday. I live in first floor.The house owner lives in second floor.it is noisy footsteps every…

185 days

I went to ashmore to buy some clothes today.especially, I really wanted to buyswim wear.I looked around some shops to see pretty it but I didn't find good one.especially, I really wanted to buy good one in the end.So I didn't buy anything …

184 days

Recently, I have a lot of time to relax because I don't have the school until this friday.I'm watching Youtube, netflix and so on.I have to review the text books which learned last friday. I need to copy some text from website but I can't …

183 days

I entered the massage school last week.Everything is English So It's very difficult to understand a lecture.I thought that I need review and prepare for a class.I'm learning Anatomy and physical health now.I didn't know what the theacher w…

179 days

I would forget that stupid moment because It doesn't have any profit of my life.I should forget it. I've been living this house for 5 days.I'll get used to live in.I'm living near the sea.the new house which I feel my grandparents house.I …

day 178 days

After I borrowed the bathroom, former landlady started talking about room contract. the house doesn't include a electricity and wi-fi So it was deducted from the deposit. unfortunately, I didn't clean the house properly because I was very …


I moved here the day before yesterday.moving was nightmare...I had a lot of accident.... To begin with, New landlord was going to pick me up to bring my stuffs but we missed each other so I had no choice but to moved there by myself. I rid…

172 days

Hi everyoneI'm ★, It is the last day to come to inforum and to meet my teachers and friends as well.So I'm feeling really sad and nervous because I'm not good at give a speech. I just try.can i try this on?? Do i look ok? thank you.First,I…

171 days

I've been living on Gold Coast for 171 days.I'm going to graduate from the language school 2 days later. Recently I don't feel like doing anything.So I rested the school these days.I've never absented the class before.It was a first time.I…

Day 118

ご無沙汰です。 気づいたら118日です。。 最近は、英語を話したくない、誰とも話したくないという 状況が続き、今週は全く勉強していません。。。 毎日日本のドラマを見ていました。 こっちまで来てなにをやっているのだろう、、、 という状況ですが、今…

Day 71

How time flies!! I've been living here for 71 days. I can't believe.... By the way, I got a massage job.To be honest,I wanted to work in restaurant.But It was really difficult for me because many japanese people looking for same job like m…

Day 65

オーストラリアに来て3か月目突入してますが、 自分の英語力が上がっている気がしません.... すべては自分次第。 周りに流されることなく、 掲げた目標を達成することに集中します。 え~っと、話は変わりますが、 オーストラリアに来て何が恋しいかというと…

62 Day

Recently,I'm just looking at job website many times.I try to contact to manager but it doesn't reply from a shop.How difficult... If I got a job,I would enjoy this life.......... I had a job interview after school.But,the shop which still …

Day 59

I don't get a job yet.I don't mind...It's false.I decide that I definitely get a job until 30 october.If i don't get a job until next month,I won't live on Gold Coast.I have to go back japan because I haven't money.I can't rely on my paren…

Day 56

I could level up class.Well done.but,I didn't understand contents about tests.I have to study hard more than before everyday.I handed over my resume to some restaurant near school after school.It's not probably reply because i don't have e…

Day 55

I had exam today to level up.It was too bad bacause I didn't understand every things about question.fortunately,we can all level up If we are attended all class.I don't know that this infomation is true or false.I'm feeling release from ex…